1336 Z _ by mg78 aka *t3o* aka h0rd3GGG or just Matteo Guarise
created for the 5th own-age.com video editing contest in March 2008.
* E-mail: mgproduction78@hotmail.com
* Icq: 100848224
Special thanks:
Rypel, for his camera tool. This movie it s done mostly with that plugin.
Own-age.com - for the open contest.
Software used:
Adobe Premiere 6.5 (the CS3 pro imho sux)
Adobe After Effects Pro CS3
Virtual Dub Mod
UT2k4 + UT3
Rypel’s Cam (for ut2k4 & ut3 -> www.rypelcam.net)
x264 codec, Xvid codec, audio codec MPEG Layer II mp3.
Fear Factory - Resurrection (from the Obsolete album, 1998)
Berserk - Ball - (Original SoundTrack Anime video serial)
Did you know?
* Originally, this work name was “WOMBAT” (it mean “waste of money, brain and time”)
* The OpenGL capture system got a better feeling on my pc than the DirectD3D.... but the RCcam
got many problem to work on that mod... so yeha, i become crazy to work with all of them...
* The video format 1024x476 s a reduction of the Panavision Cinamascope (1:2.35 - 1354x576)
* Capturing: 1 frame @ 1024x476 s around 1MB.
* My demos re recorded @ 85fps (with caps) . Generally the ut movie making comunity run it @
60fps. Default from Epic s 30fps.
Frags, the problem:
To be honest, I didnt spent to much time on the frags. Ok, there re frags, because this s a “frag”movie,
but i dont care nomore to search or show “skill”. That s bacause what UT comunity consider good frags,
Net Comunity consider it mostly.... uhm.... “shit”. Sometime what UT comunity consider boring frags,
like in “Shocked” , come from one of the best ut2k4 dueller, Lauke. Again, some UT2kx movie come
from just good or middleskill player... and they become “high skill” fragmovie. lol!
So, this s enough: to let me move on what i like: shombo cocks. about the rest, i dont give a damn.