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Alt 09.03.2020, 16:01   #1
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Standard Matinee working on online servers?

hi there,
I've created some matinee videos inside the UnrealLevelEditor (UT2k4).
Unfortunately they won't play on online servers. When its triggered the game freezes for the amount of time the video takes to play. But a player won't see actual footage of the clip.
If the matinee plays at the end of the match it works fine though.
And it works fine offline as well.

I guess its a server -> client issue or a posess -> reposses pawn issue.

Will a network trigger help to play the matinee? Or does it work at all?
Or is there a mod or mutator out there which is capable of accomplishing that?
I could integrate a mutator into the map, no biggy.
I'm grateful for any kind of help or link to a website that helps me solve this.

Thanks in advance!

Geändert von WannaHaveMaps (09.03.2020 um 16:06 Uhr)
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