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Dateiname: DM-1on1-Angeldust Download

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Dateigrösse: 13,23 MB
Autor: Revelation
Hochgeladen von: Schotti
Hinzugefügt am: 29.12.2010
Downloads: 1244
Bewertung: 9.5
Map - Pics
DM-1on1-Angeldust DM-1on1-Angeldust DM-1on1-Angeldust
Map Name: Angeldust
Map Type: Deathmatch / 1on1
Game: Unreal Tournament
Author: Revelation
Players: 2 - 3
Bot Support: true
Build Time: about 4 weeks, finished on 12-28-2010
Editor Used: UnrealED 2.0, plus massive use of Photoshop and 3D Studio Max
File: DM-1on1-Angeldust.unr (every other stuff I used is in "MyLevel")



Extract the file to this folder:

DM-1on1-Angeldust.unr --> ...\UnrealTournament\Maps

The only requirement is Unreal Tournament v436. I've done the map without any BonusPack-stuff, so you don't need those.
BUT: A pretty fast computer is also required because of the high polycounts and various effects (e.g. particle emitters, meshes) in this map!
I would suggest to set your Color-Depth to 32Bit, otherwise some Textures might look a bit ugly.
The map's visuals are optimized for the new render devices Direct3D 9 and OpenGL 3.4, however I created a script to adjust graphics on other modes as well.


Features and effects:

- The angel statue: A high-polygon-model build exclusively for Angeldust, based on a 3D-model I had googled a while ago.
- Sun flare: A brand-new version of my "glaring" sun effect, as previously seen in AS-FoT-Chronoshift and DM-Valkyrie.
- Texture-based Footstep sounds: Another effect known from Chronoshift and Valkyrie, virtually unchanged since then.
- Particle systems: Some particle emitters are used for torches, weapon bases and jump pads.


Special thanks to:

- Epic Games and Shane Caudle for the original "ShaneChurch" texture pack on which I based my black/white convertion.
- Daire Stockdale for the "ASEtoT3D" converter I created my deco meshes with.
- VirtuLositY for the song "Angel Dawn" (how adequate^^) that serves as the map's music track.
- Roman Dzieciol a.k.a. Switch for the great "swJumpPad" script I used once again.
- Proof for his angel model that heavily inspired my own one.
- All the guys from the internal unrealed.info board for their alpha- and beta-testing, especially Swnky and Officer D.


You are allowed to copy this map and give it to friends, but do not change it or build other maps on it's base.
You are not allowed to distribute the map commercially, if you want to put it on a CD or something, please send an E-Mail to: mailAdresse


Have fun playing!


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