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Downloads  DM-SoulForge

ReadMe for DM-SoulForge for Unreal Tournament - Title: DM-SoulForge Filename: dm-soulforge.zip Author: Tihomir Marinov eMail Address: tgm79(at)abv.bg Website URL: Release Date: 24.11.2006 Last Update: Version: Credits: Other levels by author: CTF-Forests Of Tuul AS-IndianaJones3 = ... [Mehr] (1,83 MB)
10.01.2010 1085 9.9
Downloads  DM-Triton][

Title: Triton][ Game Type: Deathmatch Recommended # of Players: 4-10 Author: Jeremy'SureShot'Whiting eMail: jer289er(at)yahoo.com Finished: May 8 2007 Level Info: My First Level (A Few Years Late in the Game) No Real Theme, Just a Fun DM Level With A Few Hidden Locations (490,8 KB)
10.01.2010 670 0
Downloads  DM-Tutankamon4

An Egyptian Map of desert. (107,1 KB)
10.01.2010 586 0
Downloads  DM-VampirePleasureXXX

Map: DM-VampirePleasureXXX (Unreal Tournament) v1.0 Ideal Number of Players: 6-8 Bot Support: No New Textures: Yes New Sounds: Yes New Music: Yes Known Bugs: None found. Author: Stuart "LizardGenes" Lindsay Date: March 27, 2007 E-mail: darj_404(at)yahoo.co.uk Time to complete: Four Weeks (Approx) Instructions: Unzip the file DM-VampirePleasureXXX.zip and -Place the file DM-VampirePleasureXXX.unr into your "maps" folder. -Place the files VampirePleasure.uax into your "sound ... [Mehr] (8,64 MB)
10.01.2010 698 0
Downloads  DM-Vrais

_ title: DM-Vrais map title: True Apcalypse file: DM-Vrais.zip author: Swanky email address: ch.ahlborn(at)t-online.de or chunky(at)surfeu.de homepage: www.swanky.de.vu _ story logfile 12.12.2XXX Today our sister corporation Vsys Corp. found something wierd, a large red glowing stone deep below the surface. Neither could their bore ... [Mehr] (5,38 MB)
10.01.2010 542 9.3
Downloads  DM-WrigglesburghIronFortress

Map: DM-WrigglesburghIronFortress (Unreal Tournament) v1.0 Ideal Number of Players: 4 Bot Support: No New Textures: Yes New Sounds: Yes New Music: Sort of (From Unreal) Known Bugs: Occassional item clipping. Author: Stuart "LizardGenes" Lindsay Date: February 27, 2007 E-mail: darj_404(at)yahoo.co.uk Time to complete: Two Weeks (Approx) Instructions: Unzip the file DM-WrigglesburghIronFortress.zip and -Place the file WrigglesburghIronFortress.unr into your "maps" folder -P ... [Mehr] (4,39 MB)
10.01.2010 776 0
Downloads  DM-Zerozealoth

Map: DM-Zerozealoth.unr Author: Alex (Lok) Dessureault email adress: darkslayers7(at)hotmail.com website: N/A Release Date: March 4 2007 Version: 1 Others Levels(on nalicity): DM-Rockening DM-Garodian DM-Mobius DM-Ozealoth DM-Neozealoth DM-Denonicus Play Information Game: Unreal Tournament Level Name: DM-Denonicus.unr ... [Mehr] (4,03 MB)
10.01.2010 694 0
Downloads  DM-Neurosis

ReadMe for DM-Neurosis for Unreal Tournament *Please read carefully & in full!* Title: DM-Neurosis Filename: DM-Neurosis.zip Author: Kris (R3plicant) Andrews Email Address: wildimagination2003(at)yahoo.com Website URL: Release Date: Tuesday 24th April 2007 Last Update: Version: v1.02 Credits: My mates Chris, (who suggested I keep my initial des ... [Mehr] (6,05 MB)
10.01.2010 485 0
Downloads  DM-1on1-Lavariver

Author: René "FrozenDozer" Frassek Mapname: Lavariver Filename:DM-1on1-Lavariver.unr Players: 2-4 You are NOT allowed to copy or remake this map. Copy the *.utx file into your Maps folder HAVE FUN ;) ! (191,8 KB)
10.01.2010 387 0
Downloads  DM-Flak-Attack

Title : DM-Flak-Attack.unr Version : v1.0 Release Date : 03-10-07 / dd-mm-yy Filename : Flak-Attack.zip Author(s) : Memsyszero aka memsys Email Address : memsyszero2(at)gmail.com Web Page : none Description : Where to get this map : www.beyondunreal/nalicity.com Other levels by author : check out author's level ... [Mehr] (262,9 KB)
10.01.2010 405 0
Downloads  DM-NaliSpacePort

This map is for UT99 DM type games and is my 1st map in over 5 years as I have just started Playing UT after so many years of EQ and EQ2 lol. The map is a Spaceport type map and is built around movers and there is 1 hidden room so see if you can find it without using the UED to find it! there are 2 ways in to this room. Have fun with it and I'll see you on the Sniper servers. Quazar, (256,5 KB)
10.01.2010 399 0
Downloads  DM-Ricochet

"Ricochet Canyon" - DM-Ricochet - By Grenademan LOWDOWN - Ricochet Canyon was home to the largest and most active Taynegrade Corporation facilities in existence. Buried into one side of the canyon wall was the massive R&D facility, while on the other side was an expansive industrial factory, pumping out munitions, weapons and other hardware. Connecting the two important sectors was a single bridge spanning across the dizzyingly deep canyon. Since Taynegrade’s demise at ... [Mehr] (1,82 MB)
10.01.2010 987 9.9

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